Rabu, 15 Januari 2014



Batik is the characteristic culture of Indonesia which has existed since the Majapahit kingdom. Batik is historically come from time of the ancestors, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted batik on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated the shape of animals and plants. But in its development history batik has developed, from painting motifs of animals and plants, switching to an abstract motif that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber.

As for the types Batik Based Pattern / Motive in Indonesia
to date is as follows:
1.     batik Pekalongan
Pekalongan known as the City of Batik. Batik Pekalongan including the coastal batik is rich in color.As is typical of coastal batik, the decoration is usually naturalist.If compared with other coastal batik. Pekalongan batik is very influenced by immigrants of Chinese descent, and the Netherlands.
2.     Batik Mega Mendung
One of the most famous motifs of batik Cirebon area is Mega Cloudy or in Indonesia “ mega mendung”. In this motif can be seen either in the form of style and color of the china. Motif is a carrier of Mega Chance of rain is expected as a carrier of fertility, and the giver of life. This motif is dominated in blue, from light blue to dark blue. Dark blue
describes the dark clouds that contain rain water, the giver of life,
whereas blue color symbolizes the bright life.
3.     Batik motif Truntun
Truntum motif is a symbol of love that blossomed again . This batik has a motif of stars in a dark sky.
4.     batik Jlamprang
Motives - motives Jlamprang or in Yogyakarta with Nitik name is one which enough popular batik produced in the region Krapyak Pekalongan. Batik has a motif of stars or the compass and using the branch that ends quadrilateral. Batik is Jlamprang immortalized be one way in Pekalongan.
5.     batik Pegantin or batik bride
this batik have many mifif , such as :
  • Sido Mukti motif-is usually used by the bride and groom at the ceremony marriage.
  • Sido Asih motif owhich meaning of life in the love.
  • Sido Mulyo motif which means living in kemuliana.
  • Sido Luhur motif which meaning in life is always virtuous.

How to preserve batik so does not fade with the influence of foreign culture:

1. always use batik on certain events
2. introduce batik to foreign tourists
3. making batik clothing designs are always fashionable
4. providing education, how to batik to all young people in schools
5. making batik festival at school and on campus

Here are some ways to maintain the culture of Indonesia being influenced by foreign cultures are negative:
  • Developing a strong spirit of nationalism, such as the spirit of love and cultural products   in the country.
  • Embedding and practice the values ​​of Pancasila as well as possible.
  • Cultivating and practicing religion as well as possible.
  •  Selective to foreign culture into Indonesia.
  • Strengthen and maintain national identity that does not fade.

       That way the community can act wisely in order to determine the attitude and personality of the nation's identity does not fade because of the foreign culture into Indonesia in particular.

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