Sabtu, 05 November 2011

I am fair and Honest girl (jinggle)

hello my name is Ayu venty pratami, my class 1 sa 01 on Gunadarma  University. in this blog I will explain about my college assignment is copywriting about why I called I am fair and honest girl ?
first, I’ill explain i am fair , I don’t  like to discriminate between a person with another person about the position, education, and others. I think everyone is equal in the eyes of god. everyone in this world also have the same opportunity to get achievements in every field of science. I also do not like the distinction between friends because I always want to be friends with everyone who can be bring a good influence for our friendship.
second, I’ll explain I am a honest girl , in this life, I always try for tell the truth to everyone. because if we tell a lie to everyone. then we will not be trusted again by anyone else. and all people don’t  want to be friends again with our .
so we must always be fair and honest to everyone, that we have a lot of friends

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