Minggu, 01 Desember 2013



The term "Broken Home" is usually used to describe families who are not in harmony, peace and prosperity that resulted in often occurs conflict. this can lead to quarrel husband and wife who can even lead to divorce. it will give a very big impact to the home atmosphere that is not conducive, the parents not again care to their children so the impact on the development of children especially teenagers.
Parents are role models for teenagers development, especially on the psychological and emotional development. parent is that closest character formation. If teens in family conditions that "broken home" where their parents can’t be a role model for them, it will have a big impact on development. Psychological impact experienced by teenagers who experience conditions of broken home, teenagers become more silent, shy, and prolonged depression.

Environmental factors place teenagers socializing is other facilities if their parents are busy with their own affairs. If teens are in that negative social environment, because the situation is unstable then they get into social that are not good.

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