Sabtu, 05 November 2011


Do you know the origins of indonesia language ?
language as a communication tool of human lingual, in speech and in writing. This is the basic function of language that is not associated with status and social values ​​of a person in society. Indonesia is a maritime country that consists of many islands, bacause of that  Indonesia has many ethnic, racial, religious, cultural and region language. As country  which has many regional languages, Indonesia is required to have a unifying language that can be used to communicate by the entire people of Indonesia. Unifying language used by the people of Indonesia is Indonesian.Do you know Indonesian language that we use to communicate with family and friends from the Malay language. Malay language is an Austronesian language of the branches of the Sunda-Sulawesi languages ​​are used as a lingua franca in nusantara.Lingua franca is the Latin word is “the language of the nation, Franka is a linguistic term which means” the language of instruction “or” social language “in a place where there are speakers of different languages.indonesia language also announced the first time on October 28th 1928 in oath youth.
This Below is the contents of the oath youth in indonesia language :
Kami poetera poeteri Indonesia , mengakoe bertoempah darah jang satoe , tanah Indonesianesia , mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia
Kami poetera poeteri Indonesia , mengakoe berbangsa jang satoe , bangsa Indonesia
Kami poetera poeteri Indonesia , mendjoendjoeng bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia
In modern times, Indonesian language is the language that is still alive and growing by producing new words. with creation and absorption of local languages ​​and foreign languages. Indonesian language is also the filter language of foreign languages ​​from various countries in the world like in English language, Arabic language, Portuguese language, Latin language, Netherlands language. So the Indonesian language can be called the language of science because it has gained recognition from other countries in the world. This was evidenced by  Indonesian language become a knowledge in universities other country in the world. Indonesia language could be the science language because it has strict rules of grammar , and Indonesian languages ​​are also used  for communication  between indonesian people.

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