Selasa, 07 Juli 2015



     There was a little girl and her mother lived in a small house in a village. The little girl named Alisa. She was 12 years old. She was very clever in her class. She only lived with her mother because her father had died when she was 5 years old.
     At first, Alisa and her mother live happily. A moment of happiness was lost when her aunt named Aunt Rita came to their house and told to them to move from their house because they have not paid their house rent for a year.
“Alisa ... .. Alisaaaa !!!!!” Aunt Rita Shouted to Alisa.
     Then, Alisa opened the door
“Oh ... Aunt Rita, what is it?” Alisa asked to Aunt Rita
“Where is your mother? I want to talk to your mother.” Aunt Rita said to Alisa
“Mother is cooking in the kitchen. Please wait, I will call mom.” Alisa said to Aunt Rita
     Alisa went to the kitchen to call her mother.
“Mother ... mother ... mother!” Alisa shouted to her mother
“What is it, Alisa?  Why did you scream like that, Alisa.” Mother asked to Alisa
“Aunt Rita are waiting mother in the living room now. Aunt Rita want to speak something to mother.” Alisa said to her mother.
“Why Aunt Rita comes to our House?” Mother asked to Alisa
“I do not know mom.” Alisa Replied to her mother.
     Alisa and her mother went into the living room to meet with Aunt Rita.
“What is it, Rita?” Alisa’s mother Asked to Aunt Rita
“I want to say something with you. I want you to move from this House because I want to sell this House.” Aunt Rita told to Alisa’s mother
“But Rita, I do not know, where I have to go? I do not have money to rent another home.” Alisa's mother said to Aunt Rita.
“I do not care where you want to move. I want you to move away from this home soon because I want to sell this House. You also have not paid rent this House for one year. I will give you 3 weeks to move the goods from this House and do not forget to pay the House Rent for one year.” Aunt Rita said to Alisa’s mother.
     Then, Aunt Rita went from Alisa’s house. Alisa and her mother were confused. They did not know where to move because they did not have any money to rent another house.
“Alisa, where we have to move?, I do not have money to rent another house again.” Mother said to Alisa.
     Alisa could not answer their mother. Alisa was sad to see her mother cry. She did not want to make her mother cry but she was confused and she did not know what to do. Alisa went to their room and she opened their cash savings to help her mother paid the house rent.
“Mother, this is my saving money to pay the house rent.” Alisa said to her mother
“Alisa, please forgive me because I cannot make you happy. You have to deal with this problem for your childhood.” Mother said Alisa.
“Mother, please do not apologize. I am so thankful I have a mother like you. I love you. Mother, I will always study and become a smart daughter so I can be a doctor in the future. I will make mother and father happy and proud of me. Mother, please give you blessing to me.” Alisa said to her mother.
“Of course, my dear daughter, Alisa. My prayers are always with you.” Mother said to Alisa.
     The next morning when Alisa is sitting in class suddenly comes her friend named Ana.
“Hi Alisa, what are you doing?, Why do you sit quietly here?” Ana asked to Alisa
“I am dizzy now. I have a problem.” Alisa answered to Ana
“What is your problem?” Ana asked to Alisa
“I and my mother should move from my home and we also do not have money to rent another house.” Alisa answered to Ana
“Why do you have to move?” Ana asked to Alisa
“The house is my aunt's house. I and my mother only rent the house. I should get money Rp.3.000.000, to pay the rent house for one year because we have not paid our rent for one year. I am so confused now because I do not know how I can get much money to pay it.” Alisa said to Ana
“Oh God, Alisa. I am so sorry to hear that. Poor you. I wish I had a lot of money so I can help you.” Ana told to Alisa
     School bell was ringing. Math teacher named Mrs. Ratna walked into the classroom. Mrs. Ratna announced a very important announcement to all students in the class.
“Good morning children.” Mrs. Ratna said to students
“Good morning, Mrs.Ratna.” Students Answered Mrs. Ratna
“Today, I have an important announcement for all of you.” Mrs. Ratna said to her students
“What is the important announcement, Mrs. Ratna?” Students asked Mrs. Ratna
“I will announce about student who will participate math competition from our school is Alisa.” Mrs. Ratna told Students
     Alisa was very surprised to hear the announcement. Alisa’s friends in the class were very excited and congratulate to Alisa.
“Alisa, congratulations.” Alisa’s friends said to Alisa
“What ?, Is it true, Mrs. Ratna?” Alisa asked to Mrs. Ratna
“Alisa congratulations, you will represent our school to participate for national level in math competition.” Mrs. Ratna Said Alisa.
     Alisa also feel happy because she can participate the competition
“Alisa, if you could win the math competition you will get a prize Rp. 75.000.000 for the 3rd place, 100 million for 2nd place, and  200 million for 1st place.” Mrs. Ratna said to Alisa
“Really Mrs. Ratna?” Alisa asked Mrs. Ratna
“Yes, that's right, Alisa.” Mrs. Ratna answered Alisa
     Alisa was very shocked. She was grateful to God because God has replied to all her prayers very quickly. She also would study hard to win the competition so she could get the prize money to pay her house rent and to rent another house.
“God, thank you for giving me help and a way out for my problem. I would study hard so I could win the competition.” Alisa said with staring at the sky
     Before competition, Mrs. Ratna always train Alisa, so she can answer the question of mathematics in competition. After coming home from school Alisa continues to study every day until she sleeps every night. On the day of competition, Alisa feel nervous.
“Mrs. Ratna, I feel nervous at all, my whole body trembled.” Alisa said to Mrs. Ratna
“Alisa. Relax and pray. Remember Alisa, you want to make your mother happy and proud of you.” Mrs. Ratna  said to Alisa
      At that time, Alisa immediately remember the face of her Mother, who was crying and then she prayed to God so that she can be relax.
“Oh… God, please give peace of mind to me so I can answer all questions easily. I want Mother to be happy.” Alisa said inside of her heart
      Mathematics competitions began. In the first round and second round, Alisa could answer all questions easily. In the third round, there were four competitors to win the first, second, and third winners. She should answer the questions that given by the jury very quickly if she wanted to win.
“Okay, this is the last question for the third round. How the result from 8-4: (-2) + 6?” The juries asked to Alisa and other competitors.
      Alisa closed his eyes and began to count in her heart and other competitors busy to calculate using their paper and pen. Then suddenly Alisa answered it.
“The result is 16.” Alisa answered loudly.
      All the juries, competitors and audiences were surprised because Alisa answered the question quickly. A jury felt suspicious and asked Alisa to explain how she solved the problems. Alisa wrote how she solved the problems on the whiteboard and she explained the answer from the question to the juries.
“In calculating the mathematical operation, then the first count is the division. 8-4: (-2) + 6 = 8 - [4: (-2)] + 6 = 8 - (-2) + 6. So the result is 8 + 2 + 6 = 16.” Alisa answered with writing in whiteboard.
      Finally the juries believe then juries calculate scores that obtained by each participant and to determine the winners of the competition. Juries discussed until 30 minutes. Alisa felt anxious and fearful. Finally the juries announced the winners of the math competition.
“We would like to thank all participants who have participated for this competition. We will announce the first, second, third winners from this competition. The third winner is Doni from Permata Negeri Primary School, The second winner is Sarah from Genius Elementary School, and The first winner is Alisa from Sukamaju Elementary School.” Jury announced to all people in the room.      Alisa also feel surprised and delighted to listen to the announcement. She immediately hugs Mrs. Ratna.
“Mrs. Ratna, Thank God I win. I can pay my house rent and I can rent another house for me and my mother stay.” Alisa said to Mrs. Ratna.
“Thank God alisa, you can win. I am glad to hear that. You do not have to rent another house with the prize money, but you can buy a house  for you and your mother.” Mrs. Ratna said Alisa
“Really Mrs. Ratna? Can I buy a house with the money?” Alisa asked Mrs. Ratna
“Yes Alisa. You can buy a house for you and your mother.” Mrs. Ratna answered Alisa
“Thank you God. You have helped me to solve all my problems.” Alisa said to God.






Kenakalan Remaja
Kenakalan Remaja
Pelanggaran hukum yang terus-menerus atau prilaku anti Social oleh anak laki-laki atau perempuan di bawah tertentu biasanya usia hukum 18 - disebut kenakalan remaja.

Pelanggaran hukum yang secara terus-menerus atau perilaku antisosial yang dilakukan oleh anak laki-laki atau anak perempuan dibawah usia hukum tertentu yang biasanya berumur kurang dari 18 tahun disebut kenakalan remaja.


Ini mungkin termasuk tindakan seperti itu sebagai menggunakan obat-obatan berbahaya, mencuri, menghancurkan properti, menyakiti orang lain, atau minum minuman beralkohol.

Ini dapat meliputi seperti tindakan menggunakan obat-obatan berbahaya, mencuri, merusak harta benda, menyakiti orang lain, atau minum-minuman beralkohol.

Juvenile tertunggak adalah orang muda yang tingkah lakunya pergi terhadap norma-norma set (pola) masyarakat.

Remaja nakal adalah orang muda yang perilakunya bertentangan dengan aturan norma-norma yang berlaku di masyarakat.

Cara di mana kenakalan remaja dirawat oleh komunitas dapat memutuskan jika orang muda berubah menuju atau menjauh dari kehidupan orang dewasa kejahatan.

Cara dimana kenakalan remaja diperlakukan oleh masyarakat dapat diputuskan jika remaja berubah atau menjauh dari kejahatan kehidupan orang dewasa.

Apa hukum istirahat orang-orang muda yang membuat? Sering mereka merasa kemarahan menuju dunia orang dewasa.
Apa yang membuat remaja melanggar hukum? Seringkali mereka merasa marah terhadap dunia orang dewasa.

Orang tua mereka akan bercerai atau terpisah.

Orang tua mereka mungkin bercerai atau berpisah.

Atau orang tua mungkin melawan sering, tidak mungkin mengasihi mereka, atau mungkin tidak disiplin mereka.
Atau orang tua sering bertengkar, tidak mencintai mereka, atau tidak mendisiplinkan mereka.

Jika orang tua tidak menunjukkan penghormatan masyarakat dan hukum, orang-orang muda mungkin tidak baik.

Jika orang tua tidak menunjukkan rasa hormat bagi masyarakat dan hukum-hukumnya, remaja juga mungkin tidak baik.

Kemiskinan juga dapat menyebabkan pemuda untuk melanggar hukum.

Kemiskinan juga dapat menyebabkan remaja untuk melanggar hukum.

Mereka mungkin mulai mencuri hal-hal yang mereka tidak mampu.

Mereka mungkin mulai mencuri hal-hal yang mereka tidak mampu membelinya.

Jika mereka tinggal di sebuah perkampungan kumuh, mereka mungkin membenci run-down rumah dan sekolah yang miskin di sana dan mungkin menghancurkan properti keluar dari kemarahan.
Jika mereka tinggal di perkampungan kumuh, mereka mungkin membenci rumah rusak dan sekolah miskin di sana dan dapat merusak harta benda dengan kemarahan.

Ketika ada tidak ada kegiatan untuk orang-orang muda dalam masyarakat, mereka lebih cenderung mendapat kesulitan.
Jika tidak ada kegiatan bagi kaum remaja dalam masyarakat, mereka mungkin akan mendapatkan masalah.

Remaja bosan dapat menjelajah lingkungan di geng, memecahkan jendela atau mencuri mobil.

Remaja yang bosan mungkin berkeliaran di sekitar lingkungan dengan kelompoknya, memecahkan jendela atau mencuri mobil.


Kaum muda mungkin juga melakukan kejahatan hanya untuk diterima oleh orang-orang muda lain yang melakukan hal ini.

Remaja yang juga melakukan tindakan kejahatan baru dapat diterima oleh kaum remaja yang melakukan hal tersebut.

Apa yang terjadi pada orang-orang muda yang melanggar hukum? Kadang-kadang polisi berbicara kepada orang-orang muda orangtua atau mengirimkannya kepada badan bantuan.

Apa yang terjadi dengan remaja yang melanggar hukum? Kadang-kadang polisi berbicara kepada orang tua dari remaja tersebut atau mengirim remaja tersebut ke sebuah lembaga untuk bantuan.

Sering kali, namun, orang-orang muda harus pergi ke juvenile court.

Seringkali, bagaimanapun, remaja harus pergi ke pengadilan anak-anak.

Pengadilan dapat mengirimkan mereka ke petugas percobaan, orang yang akan mencoba untuk membantu orang-orang muda yang memecahkan masalah mereka, dan akan memeriksa mereka untuk memastikan mereka tetap keluar dari masalah.

Pengadilan dapat mengirim mereka ke pengawas orang jahat, orang yang akan mencoba untuk membantu para remaja untuk memecahkan masalah mereka, dan akan memeriksa mereka untuk memastikan mereka tetap keluar dari kesulitan.


Pengadilan juga dapat mengirim tertunggak ke psikiater, seorang dokter yang membantu orang-orang yang memiliki masalah mental atau emosional.
Pengadilan juga dapat mengirim remaja nakal kepada psikiater, seorang dokter yang membantu orang yang memiliki masalah mental atau emosional.

Jika pemuda tinggal di keluarga bahagia, pengadilan dapat menempatkan mereka dalam membina rumah dengan orangtua asuh, yang mencoba memberikan orang-orang muda ini rumah yang bahagia.
Jika pemuda tinggal di keluarga tidak bahagia, pengadilan dapat menempatkan mereka di panti asuhan dengan orang tua asuh, yang mencoba untuk memberikan para remaja sebuah rumah bahagia.

Kadang-kadang, juvenile nakal dikirim untuk tinggal di lembaga-lembaga negara.

Kadang-kadang, remaja nakal yang dikirim untuk tinggal di lembaga-lembaga negara.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pendekatan yang lebih eksperimental dalam pengobatan pelanggar muda termasuk terapi kelompok, menantang konseling individu dan pengalaman kerja.
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pendekatan yang lebih eksperimental dalam pengobatan pelanggar muda termasuk menjalani terapi kelompok, pengalaman kerja yang menantang, dan konseling individu.

Orang-orang muda yang menjadi juvenile nakal sering terluka diri lebih dari komunitas mereka.

Remaja yang menjadi remaja nakal sering melukai diri sendiri lebih dari komunitas mereka.


Pelanggaran mereka kadang-kadang terus dari pergi ke sekolah dan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang baik. Mereka kehilangan harga diri, dan rasa hormat dari orang lain.
Pelanggaran mereka kadang-kadang terus dari pergi ke sekolah dan mendapatkan pekerjaan yang baik. Mereka kehilangan harga diri, dan rasa hormat dari orang lain.